The Arkansas Track Club Youth is a competitive running program open to avid, committed young runners from grade school through high school. There are no ‘tryouts’ or time standards, but the desire to be coached, good/open communication, and a positive attitude are required. The focus areas, pending age/experience, of this program are three-fold:
Build a strong running foundation
Provide top tier race experiences
Produce All American talent
Our youth program is divided into three levels

AGES: 6-10
STANDARDS: The desire to be coached and be part of the team, & to have a great attitude.
FOCUS: This level focuses on having fun & building fundamentals.

AGES: 11-12
STANDARDS: The desire to be coached, be part of the team, have a great attitude, and willingness to learn.
FOCUS: This level focuses on building fundamentals & learning to train.

AGES: 13-14, 15-16, 17-18
STANDARDS: The desire to be coached, be part of the team, have a great attitude, willingness to learn, mentor junior & youth members, willingness to improve, & commitment to the team. This group will be held to the highest standards.
FOCUS: This level focuses on building foundation, race experience, college prep/recruiting, and All Americans.
Athletes on the ARTC Senior Team will be held to the highest standard of excellence at all times and all athletes realize that merely showing up to practice is not enough. The amount of effort given within each practice is as important as showing up. Athletes will attend every meet possible and attend every practice possible. Once on the ARTC Senior Team, athletes must maintain a 90% punctual practice attendance, as well as, show the highest level of dedication and commitment to the team.

Must meet standards on a consistent basis annually as evaluated by the head coach

Put forth your 100% effort and best attitude at all times

Representation on and off the road, track, & course in line with ARTC’s guiding principles

Senior team is an Elite Team and thus has additional expectations