Joining is easy. Simply select the appropriate team, fill out the form, and follow the instructions in the welcome email. After that simply show up to your first practice. For more information on each of the programs select services and select the team page you wish to view.
6-8 years old
Youth Team
- $ FREE
- USATF Team Membership
- 2 team practices per week
- Safe Training Environment
- Exercise through PLAY
- Sponsor Discounts
- Fun, Fun, and more FUN
- and much much more!
9-12 years old
Junior Team
- $ 125
- USATF Membership
- Professional Coaching
- Individualized Development
- National Caliber Team
- Safe Training Environment
- Competition Opportunities
- and much much more!
13-18 years old
Senior Team
- $ 185
- USATF Membership
- Professional Coaching
- Individualized Development
- National Caliber Team
- NCSA Recruiting Account
- College Recruiting
- and much much more!
18+ years old
Elite Team
- $ 100
- USATF Membership
- Professional Coaching
- Team Gear/Race Gear
- Physical Therapy
- Sports Massage
- Sports Acupuncture
- Sports Nutrition
18+ years old
- $ FREE
- USATF Membership
- Group Training Opportunities
- Discount on ARTC gear
- Sponsor Discounts
- Social Events
- Competition Opportunities
- And much much more!