Motto: Hard and bad are not synonyms; Doing something hard can be good for the soul.

Cameron's running career started in 2010 when he was a Sophomore at Baylor University. Feeling the effects of dorm and dining hall nutrition, he needed to find a consistent outlet for exercise that was a bit more strenuous than fraternity intramural softball. Baylor's annual ``Bearathon`` was on his list of things to do before graduating, so he signed up with his roommate. He never expected this bucket list item would turn into a passion that he'd pour himself into for the rest of his life. Since 2010, Cameron has competed in countless races ranging from 5ks to Ironman Triathlons. Each year, he has become increasingly more competitive and contributed more training time to the sport. He has run 8 marathons, including the Boston Marathon in 2019, and is the reigning champion of the Little Rock Marathon. His dream is to qualify for the 2024 Olympic Trials Marathon. First and foremost, Cameron is a husband, father, and follower of Christ. His motivation for running is rooted in his faith and in the desire to set a healthy example for his family. In addition, Cameron works in administration at Little Rock Christian Academy and also coaches the Cross Country and Swim teams. He's outwardly a proud Texan but loves living and training in Arkansas.
H. Marathon